Looking for Employment, Training Opportunities, Need Staff or looking to connect with local Community Service?
School Leavers and Job Seekers!! You can’t afford to miss these events!
Look no further! Come along and join us at the Community & Employment Expo’s.
There is something for everyone and more!
MEEDAC would like to acknowledge and express our gratitude to our sponsors (Shire of Coolgardie, Workskil Australia and Central Regional TAFE Geraldton), Exhibitors, Midwest and Goldfields Regions and surrounding communities for supporting and attending the 2024 MEEDAC Community & Employment Expos.
The MEEDAC Community and Employment Expo keeps growing bigger and better every year- a feat that wouldn't be achievable without the incredible support of our staff, companies and organisations that hosted exhibition tables- or the fantastic support from the local community members who attend the event.
🌟Over 700 people attended the Midwest (Geraldton) Community & Employment Expo, with over 40 exhibitors participating. - CR Tafe and Workskil proudly supported this event.
🌟Over 400 people attended the Goldfields (Coolgardie) Community and Employment Expo, with over 40 exhibitors participating. Shire of Coolgardie proudly supported this event.
We hope you enjoyed the event as much as we did and look forward to seeing you all at the next round of MEEDAC Community & Employment Expos late 2024.
See you there!
To See MEEDAC Upcoming Events 2024
Event History
Since 2019, MEEDAC has been working collaboratively with Service Providers, Community Groups and Employers across the Goldfields, Esperance and Midwest Regions to bring together Community and Employment Information Expos for local Communities.
Community & Employment Expos provide a platform for everyone to gain access to Support Services, Community Groups and Local Employers all within one location. Our Expo's a free Community Event, held throughout the Regions: of Kambalda, Coolgardie, Esperance and Geraldton. The Expos attract crowds of around 250 - 700 people networking and making their way through the exhibition tables to see what opportunities await.
Employers, Community Service Providers, Job Hunters and Local Community Members, come together, to enjoy the well-supported and very successful event.
Mining, Hospitality, Disability Services, Construction, Community Services & Development industries, are represented by local companies and agencies from across WA. Local and small businesses are also a stakeholder within the Expo’s providing local opportunities. Company Representatives travel to the expo from across WA.
A variety of Community Service organisations attend, providing community members with information on services that are available locally and how Community members can access these services. Services available through the organisation included education, counselling, legal advice, rehabilitation, career guidance, health and financial counselling to name a few.
The Community and Employment Expo’s keep growing bigger and better every year. This wouldn't be achievable without the wonderful support of companies and organisations that host exhibition tables, event sponsors —or the amazing support from the local community members that attend the event.
MEEDAC would like to take this opportunity, to thank everyone who attend our events and look forward to seeing you all at the next MEEDAC Community & Employment Expo,
See you there!