Bus Connectors (Patrol)
Connectors is a prevention and intervention service, working at street level to minimize harm from “at-risk” behaviours and intervene in situations before actual harm is caused or the situation escalates requiring the intervention of Police or other services.
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Mullewa Aged Rentals
MEEDAC was successful in receiving grant funding from the Western Australia Country Health Service to build four Aged Appropriate accommodation units in Mullewa. The project comprises two - two bedroom units and two - one bedroom units.
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NDIS Support
MEEDAC work with many NDIS providers to support their clients. An NDIS carer assists someone with a disability by caring for them, supervising them and supporting them in and out of their home to achieve the goals that are a part of their NDIS plan.
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OnTrack (T120 Geraldton)
Target 120 is an early intervention program for at-risk young people aged between 10 and 14 years, and their families, to reduce rates of juvenile offending. The program is currently being piloted at selected sites across Western Australia.
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